Be a Hero for sick kids

Your monthly donation can make a beautiful difference

Every day, families are uprooted from their homes and communities, making the difficult journey to Sydney to seek life-saving treatment for their sick or injured child. Your monthly donation provides these families with more than just a place to stay—it gives them a sanctuary. A warm bed, nourishing home-cooked meals, and a community that wraps them in comfort and care.

With every monthly gift, you are sending a message of hope and solidarity, letting families know, ‘ “You’re not alone. We’re with you every step of the way.”

Why We Need You: The Power of Your Ongoing Support

Your commitment ensures that families facing unimaginable challenges have access to holistic support services. From compassionate staff and volunteers who offer a shoulder to lean on to safe family spaces in hospitals for moments of play and peace, and tailored educational programs that help children continue learning even during treatment—your support makes it all possible.

Alyssa and Mathew are just one of the 962 family stays at our House in Randwick last year. 

We are so much more than just a bed for these families, we are an essential service to families so they can focus on what is important… their sick or injured child.

The support a child receives from their family has a profound impact on their health. Staying at Ronald McDonald House in Randwick means families can be there for them. By staying at Ronald McDonald House, we know that a child’s family support has a profound impact on their child’s health. In addition, we alleviate the financial burden that families may face by staying at the House for FREE.  

Our main focus is to ensure every family that stays at the House have has what they need so they can focus on what is important… making sure their sick child gets better.  

But we cannot do this without your support. By just giving a small monthly gift from $13, you are making sure families like Hudson’s have access to this essential service so we can continue making sure families can stay together.    

How You Can Make a Difference

By becoming a Regular Giver, you’re not just donating—you’re standing with families at their most vulnerable moments. You’re providing comfort, stability, and a sense of normalcy when everything else is uncertain. Your ongoing support ensures that we can continue to provide vital services, so families can focus on what truly matters: being close to their child’s bedside.

Join Us Today: Become a Regular Giver… 

Make a Difference for Families & Children

Parents don’t know when their children will need medical help. But they should know they can always access the care they need. And with your help, we can support them all throughout their journey.